Earlier that day we had the Jones Family Easter Party. We usually go out west of Nephi and roast Hot Dogs. The snow didn't make that sound like to much fun so Alisha and Jeremy kindly offered there garage to our family so we could stay warm and not Muddy. Alisha and Jeremy have a fire pit in there back yard so we roasted our Hot dogs there. This party wasn't quite the same without Grandpa Jones there with us. He is still in the Hospital. We still had a great time catching up with everyone. I am so glad we were able to be there. We also went back to Grandma Patty's for our Easter egg hunt. That is fun as always.
Last but not least. We went out to Levan Canyon With the Mangelson side of the Family. It has also been a long time since I have been to this party. It was such a nice day and my kids had a ball playing outside. Someone dug a hole and that is where Andrew spent most of his day with his friend Kohlyer. They threw Easter eggs down the hill. Madison even learned how to ride a 4 wheeler.
We are usually out camping in the west Desert with Brett's family over Easter weekend. Because of that we don't always get to attend all of our family party's. Since spring break wasn't until a week later we were able to go to everything. I love being with family. I was so grateful we were able to spend our Easter with our families. I am also grateful we were able to listen to conference. What a great Easter weekend.
Us and Brett's Grandma
My Grandma & Grandpa Jones would give us choc. covered marshmallow eggs with money taped to the top every year for Easter. My Mom and Dad have carried on this tradition. I love it!
Madison and Andrew After the Hunt
Madison at Jones party
Jones party
Andrew, Brityn, and Cameron bucking out a Horse
Madison And Andrew Easter Morning
Easter Bunny Treats
Kids With Grandma Mangelson. She was watching the Ball game in Mel's Trailer
Madison learning how to ride the 4 wheeler
My Mom, Sister Monica, Me, and My sister Alisha
My Cousins cute baby Girl
Brityn, Andrew, and Cameron eating a cupcake
Emily and Madison
Andrew and Kohlyer